Make Your Publishing Journey a Trip Worth Taking

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Tat-tat-tat-tat-tat… My brain tried to place the unfamiliar sound as my dog and I walked down the street. The sound grew louder and a car came into view, limping along with two flat tires. Tat-tat-tat… mystery solved. A couple of minutes later, the driver gave up the struggle and pulled over to call for assistance.

As I thought about the car’s predicament, I considered how my work with authors, and that of my publishing colleagues, is not unlike having air in the tires. The author is in the driver’s seat, steering, accelerating, braking as needed. They have a destination in mind but may not know the best way to get there. Mechanical problems can arise and yes, sometimes tires go flat. In such cases, professional help can save the day.

If you’ve ever had a flat tire, you know the sinking feeling that comes with it—you’re losing time, possibly stranded in a strange place, and might be unsure of next steps. But when you drive away with all tires properly filled, you are instantly back in control.

The publishing process can have the same pitfalls, and what author wants to lose time needlessly, feel stranded or confused about what comes next? No one does, of course, which is why professional guidance is like having air in your tires—nothing to derail your journey and a clearly-defined route to publication, all while retaining control of the process.

So what does a book project rolling along on fully inflated tires look like? Imagine a smooth ride, moving through each phase from expertly edited manuscript to thoughtful cover design and page layout to meticulous ebook formatting. Once the book has taken shape, the steady pace continues as publishing platforms are set up and marketing efforts kick into gear. And even if a detour becomes necessary, professional expertise minimizes the impact of any bumps in the road.

If that kind of publishing journey sounds like a trip worth taking, I suggest putting together a qualified pit crew that knows the value of having air in your tires at all times. They will be pivotal to getting your book on the fast track to success.

And as we head into the new year, here is a quick look at the authors whose tires we filled in ways big and small in 2024. Thank you for partnering with us to bring your book to life.

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