Design with purpose. Deliver with passion..

Meet Carla

I’m Carla Green, the driving force of Clarity Designworks, where our mission is to bring your book to life. Our proven method is to function as your partner in publishing and bring clarity to the book production process.

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Let’s get personal

I come to this business through a long-fostered passion for the written word — precocious reader, hardcore bookworm, school newspaper editor, early career in marketing.

Segue to graphic design and a dream gig creating books for an entertainment industry publisher. I’d found my reason to get up every day.

Fast forward to the now. Still lovin’ what I do, whether my team and I are giving shape to an aspiring author’s first book or meticulously grooming the pages of a seasoned publisher’s next release. Add it up and that’s a wealth of experience at your disposal.

Beyond the books, I am barefoot more often than not, never met an ice cream flavor I didn’t like, and love planning vacations almost as much as taking them.

You’ve read this far. If you like my story, let’s talk about yours.

My Services

Professionally crafted book design

Unique-to-you book covers and interiors with thoughtful attention to detail.
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Expert project management

Not sure where to start? We’ll guide you through the publishing process.
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Guidance every step

Count on Clarity to answer your questions about the publishing world.
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Customer Reviews

Check out these nice words from happy clients who have already discovered the difference that Clarity makes to the book production process.