Carla was so helpful during the whole process of formatting the books and getting them up on line. She was very knowledgeable, calm, and willing to go the extra long mile for us. My husband has Parkinson’s so publishing on Amazon was quite an accomplishment for us, but a bit torturous for him to be on the computer. Carla was consistently patient with us, answering our emails and phone calls in a very timely manner. She was also very proactive, reminding us of things that still needed to be done. We were actually sorry when we were done with everything as we wouldn’t be talking to her so regularly anymore. We highly recommend Carla Green and Clarity Designworks for so many of your formatting and self-publishing needs.

What Is an Imprint and Do You Need One?
Footprints in wet sand at the beach. The shape of a child’s hand in clay or plaster. Thumbprints in the notary’s ledger. These are all