Category: Perspective

Now More Than Ever

March sure did a 180º on us. This year it came in like a lamb — remember the first week of March, back when life was somewhat normal? It is undeniably going out like a lion at full roar. In between, lives have been turned upside down, routines are out

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Leave things better than you found them

That notion can be quite a challenge, depending on what the “things” are. Scale matters, of course, but that shouldn’t stop us from trying to make the world a better place. Because baby steps beat inertia every time. So with that perspective in mind, I set out some months ago

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The Aspiring Author’s Guide to the Anatomy of a Book

Whether you’re a coach, speaker, executive, business owner, or any type of professional with wisdom to share, you may be giving serious thought to writing a book. And you should be, considering the significant benefits of being a published author and the fact that self-publishing has greatly leveled the playing

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Making the Case for Hardcover Books

Do you judge a book by its cover? This question usually precedes a discussion of what constitutes good (and bad) cover design. But I’m changing it up here and referring instead to the type of cover, i.e. hardcover vs paperback.  In the print-on-demand world, paperbacks reign supreme. They are more

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Is the jar empty or full?

The jar certainly looks empty. But given that its purpose is to collect favorite memories in the months ahead, I see it as full of opportunity, energy, action. At the least, it is a challenge to be met.  Not unlike writing a book. The blank page could be considered, well,

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Take control with your own ISBN

Chief among the (many) burning questions of authors who want to self-publish is “What is an ISBN and do I need one?” A seemingly simple question with a not-so-simple answer…let’s break it down. It is actually two questions rolled into one. The first part — what is an ISBN? —

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Today Is a Gift

When I ask a certain friend of mine how he is, his response is often, “Every day above ground is a good day.” I always smile at his words, appreciating this most basic expression of gratitude. Because no matter what we face at any given moment, on any given day,

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