Now More Than Ever

March sure did a 180º on us. This year it came in like a lamb — remember the first week of March, back when life was somewhat normal? It is undeniably going out like a lion at full roar. In between, lives have been turned upside down, routines are out the window and priorities have…

Making the Case for Hardcover Books

Do you judge a book by its cover? This question usually precedes a discussion of what constitutes good (and bad) cover design. But I’m changing it up here and referring instead to the type of cover, i.e. hardcover vs paperback.  In the print-on-demand world, paperbacks reign supreme. They are more cost-effective and faster to produce…

Is the jar empty or full?

The jar certainly looks empty. But given that its purpose is to collect favorite memories in the months ahead, I see it as full of opportunity, energy, action. At the least, it is a challenge to be met.  Not unlike writing a book. The blank page could be considered, well, blank. Or the author can…

Take control with your own ISBN

Chief among the (many) burning questions of authors who want to self-publish is “What is an ISBN and do I need one?” A seemingly simple question with a not-so-simple answer…let’s break it down. It is actually two questions rolled into one. The first part — what is an ISBN? — is objective and therefore straightforward…

Today Is a Gift

When I ask a certain friend of mine how he is, his response is often, “Every day above ground is a good day.” I always smile at his words, appreciating this most basic expression of gratitude. Because no matter what we face at any given moment, on any given day, the fact that we are…