Pick Me!

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Adrift in a sea of sameness?

Remember those classmates in grade school who were so anxious to answer the teacher’s question? They would not just raise their hand, they would wave it with enthusiasm to improve their chance of being selected, maybe even shouting “Pick me, pick me!” to up the ante.

They probably didn’t realize they were engaging in some elementary (pun intended) marketing, trying to stand out among the competition. We have the same goal in mind when we promote our businesses — to get noticed so we get picked.

We may have to wave our hands a few times to attract attention, especially if we follow the same script as everyone else. A better approach would be to chart a different course, i.e., the road less traveled.

When I encountered the REVEALiO AR (augmented reality) marketing app, I knew immediately that this would be a game changer with its off-the-charts WOW factor that stops people in their tracks. And when you’ve got a unique way to stand out coupled with built-in calls to action, all in the palm of your hand, you are on the path to marketing nirvana.

And oh yeah, REVEALiO just got way more affordable with a revamped pricing structure. Now for less than a dollar a day, your print materials can come alive with video through the magic of AR. How cool is that?!

You can keep waving your hand and hope someone picks you, or you can leave the sea of sameness behind and choose different. You just might find there is a world of opportunity beyond business as usual.

Click here to see how REVEALiO works, and let me know when you are ready to create more impact and influence in a bold new way.

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