1.7 million books are self-published in the U.S. every year. Relatively few find success. Here’s why…

Do you want to self-publish your book, but you’re struggling with knowing what it takes to actually produce a book people will want to pick up and read? Guess what? You’re not alone. From what I’ve seen, the primary reason self-published books aren’t successful is this: Self-published authors are overwhelmed by the logistics of publishing…

The Alphabet Soup of Graphic Design File Formats

Making sense of different file formats can be difficult, especially if you have no prior graphic design knowledge. However, you should know the basics, especially when working with a graphic designer for your book cover or interior formatting. Becoming familiar with the alphabet soup of file formats will make for easier client-designer communications, so it’s…

5 Lessons Self-Published Writers Can Learn from Traditional Publishing

Much like today’s birds evolved from dinosaurs, the self-publishing industry has become a very different animal than its predecessor, traditional publishing. While similarities remain, they may not be evident unless you know where to look. Among self-published writers, there is certainly an opinion that traditional publishing is the dinosaur, lagging behind the trends and technologies…