BLOG reads

Push-Button Publishing? Not So Fast

I recently bought a new washing machine, for the first time in decades. Not surprisingly, even the fairly basic model I purchased has more bells and whistles than I know what to do with, because technology is like that. As the machine operates, it automatically runs through several cycles I

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Understanding What Print-on-Demand Is…and Isn’t

You may already know that print-on-demand (POD) technology is the engine driving the machine of self-publishing. Practically overnight, the development of POD for books leveled the publishing playing field and gave writers new control over their destiny as authors. If you are not familiar with POD, this article will get

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What Is an Imprint and Do You Need One?

Footprints in wet sand at the beach. The shape of a child’s hand in clay or plaster. Thumbprints in the notary’s ledger. These are all imprints of the physical sort. But what is a publishing imprint and should self-publishing authors have one? Think of an imprint as a publisher’s brand

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Before You Publish, Speak Your Story

At last the moment arrives—your manuscript is complete! You’ve read it and re-read it one, two, three times. You’ve made tweaks, fixed typos, run spelling and grammar checks, and read it one more time for good measure. You may think your manuscript is polished to perfection, but before you hand

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Writing in the Margins

Do those words bring to mind doodling in a notebook during class? I certainly found myself doing that back in the day, especially when the subject matter was less than riveting. More recently, in my work supporting authors through the publishing process, I’ve come to understand “writing in the margins”

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Publishing Is a Team Sport

“I don’t know why they call this self-publishing. I couldn’t have done this without you.” That’s an actual quote from an author I helped. It’s one of my favorites, but I’m not sharing it to toot my own horn. Rather, I’m highlighting it to acknowledge all the players who contribute

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What Really Happens When You Click the Publish Button?

Instant gratification is the holy grail in our culture where faster is almost always regarded as better. And it’s true that one of the key benefits self-publishing has over the traditional path is speed to market. I mean, a business model that’s grounded in the concept of print on demand

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Getting Onboard with Professional Book Design

The beginning is a very good place to start, as Julie Andrews’ Maria tunefully taught us in The Sound of Music. But life doesn’t always work out that way. This article focuses on a book that started well north of the beginning, at least in terms of when it hit

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Memoir or Autobiography?

This article is provided courtesy of my colleague, writing coach and editor Jasmyne Boswell. Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash.    How does a memoir differ from an autobiography? That is the number one question I am asked by clients writing their first memoir. An autobiography tells one’s life story from

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Now More Than Ever

March sure did a 180º on us. This year it came in like a lamb — remember the first week of March, back when life was somewhat normal? It is undeniably going out like a lion at full roar. In between, lives have been turned upside down, routines are out

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Think Slow Cooker, Not Fast Food

We all give in to the temptation of a fast food meal every once in a while. Most of them look tasty, are marketed exactly to trigger our cravings, and they’re quick to get and consume. They’re convenient — but lacking the nutrients we need to be healthy. Believe it

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Leave things better than you found them

That notion can be quite a challenge, depending on what the “things” are. Scale matters, of course, but that shouldn’t stop us from trying to make the world a better place. Because baby steps beat inertia every time. So with that perspective in mind, I set out some months ago

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Promoting Your Book — Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

If you’ve typed out the final words of your book, congratulations! So definitely do a happy dance and relish that accomplishment…before the realization strikes that your work has only just begun. Because after the writing come the tasks that will bring your book to life, such as editing, cover design,

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The Alphabet Soup of Graphic Design File Formats

Making sense of different file formats can be difficult, especially if you have no prior graphic design knowledge. However, you should know the basics, especially when working with a graphic designer for your book cover or interior formatting. Becoming familiar with the alphabet soup of file formats will make for

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What Copy Should You Write for the Copyright Page?

As a reader, you might not pay much attention to the copyright page in books, which is typically located on the back (verso) of the title page. However, it’s an essential part of the book’s front matter, containing valuable information for librarians and bibliographers, as well as anyone who wants

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5 Lessons Self-Published Writers Can Learn from Traditional Publishing

Much like today’s birds evolved from dinosaurs, the self-publishing industry has become a very different animal than its predecessor, traditional publishing. While similarities remain, they may not be evident unless you know where to look. Among self-published writers, there is certainly an opinion that traditional publishing is the dinosaur, lagging

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The Aspiring Author’s Guide to the Anatomy of a Book

Whether you’re a coach, speaker, executive, business owner, or any type of professional with wisdom to share, you may be giving serious thought to writing a book. And you should be, considering the significant benefits of being a published author and the fact that self-publishing has greatly leveled the playing

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Making the Case for Hardcover Books

Do you judge a book by its cover? This question usually precedes a discussion of what constitutes good (and bad) cover design. But I’m changing it up here and referring instead to the type of cover, i.e. hardcover vs paperback.  In the print-on-demand world, paperbacks reign supreme. They are more

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Picture This

“I can’t imagine life without the internet.”  That’s a direct quote from my daughter several years ago and a statement which grows ever more true. For example, how many times a day do you google something? And when did google become a verb, anyway? (If you must know, it was

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Pick Me!

Adrift in a sea of sameness? Remember those classmates in grade school who were so anxious to answer the teacher’s question? They would not just raise their hand, they would wave it with enthusiasm to improve their chance of being selected, maybe even shouting “Pick me, pick me!” to up

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Are You Up to Speed on Print On Demand?

Same-day shipping. Cars and bikes and scooters to rent by the hour. Dog walkers ready and waiting to take Fido for a stroll. (Wait, does anyone still name their dog Fido?) The on-demand economy touches our lives in so many ways now that sometimes we don’t even realize the technology

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Puzzled by the design process?

Little known fact: I am a jigsaw puzzle enthusiast. I love spreading all the pieces out, finding the straight pieces and building the frame, organizing the rest into groups by color or content, figuring out where they go, and watching the image emerge bit by bit. Putting the last piece

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Is the jar empty or full?

The jar certainly looks empty. But given that its purpose is to collect favorite memories in the months ahead, I see it as full of opportunity, energy, action. At the least, it is a challenge to be met.  Not unlike writing a book. The blank page could be considered, well,

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Take control with your own ISBN

Chief among the (many) burning questions of authors who want to self-publish is “What is an ISBN and do I need one?” A seemingly simple question with a not-so-simple answer…let’s break it down. It is actually two questions rolled into one. The first part — what is an ISBN? —

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Today Is a Gift

When I ask a certain friend of mine how he is, his response is often, “Every day above ground is a good day.” I always smile at his words, appreciating this most basic expression of gratitude. Because no matter what we face at any given moment, on any given day,

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