Promoting Your Book — Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

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If you’ve typed out the final words of your book, congratulations!

So definitely do a happy dance and relish that accomplishment…before the realization strikes that your work has only just begun. Because after the writing come the tasks that will bring your book to life, such as editing, cover design, and formatting

And absolutely do not forget about marketing or put it off till later. How will you promote your book? How will you present it to the world? Rather than ignoring or avoiding these essential questions, successful authors address them early in the production process to develop an effective, coordinated and cost-effective marketing plan.

One strategy that serves authors well is repurposing book content to create promotional materials. No need to start from scratch when creating book swag, which can come in handy at book signings, networking events and even in casual conversation.


Bookmarks are classic book swag — practical, affordable, and fun for readers to collect. Choose a powerful quote or intriguing line from your book and wrap it with your author brand to entice readers. Design it yourself or work with a professional to take it up a notch. 


A postcard is a more versatile cousin of a bookmark that you can really infuse with your personal touch. With our daily deluge of email and texts, receiving a handwritten postcard can feel incredibly thoughtful. As an author, you can send postcards designed with your repurposed book content to friends, family, and potential readers. If you have a book event or a new release to announce, a postcard can be a great way to deliver that news.

Magnets and Pins

Magnets and pins are both great collectibles, which is what makes them a popular choice for book swag. They do have a relatively small image area, so keep the message short and punchy for better readability and impact. Or consider visuals instead, such as your book cover or logo.

PDF Excerpts

One of the most powerful ways to promote your book is with excerpts. They provide the perfect opportunity to hook potential readers and make them want to buy the book. Plus the digital format of a PDF excerpt helps drive traffic to your website and is an ideal mechanism for growing your email list. Choose your passage wisely and keep the downloadable design in line with your brand. Also, be sure to include all the necessary information on how to get the book if they like it. 

Displays and Banners for Book Signings

Repurposing book content to adorn your displays and banners takes the headache out of planning for book signings. Go for eye-catching visuals instead of a text-heavy design to attract attention and open the door to a conversation about your book.

Book Trailers

Thanks to the alluring power of video, a good book trailer can be a wonderful promotional tool when designed with a clear aesthetic that fits the book. And professional guidance will go a long way toward producing a quality trailer that transforms your viewers into buyers.

As you traverse the marketing landscape, you can simplify the journey with an experienced designer by your side when creating most of these promotional materials. That way, you can focus on what you do best — writing the next book.

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